Our staff include qualified, knowledgeable botanists, zoologists, and ecologists with the keen observation skills, extensive experience and expertise required to collect accurate, high quality flora and fauna survey data for your project.
Abzeco holds a current Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) research permit for conducting flora and fauna surveys in Victoria, which means we can legally collect flora specimens for identification, propagation, revegetation, survey work and restoration works. This enables us to accurately identify and monitor flora and fauna, including threatened plants and vegetation communities in the field and observe, trap and identify a range of threatened native animals. This also enables our staff to collect information to assist with predicting the likelihood of species occurrence at given locations.
For each project, Abzeco selects team members with the best fit training and experience to deliver the project to the highest standard using a range of different methods for flora and fauna surveys:
- Line transects
- Belt transects
- Point intersects
- Quadrats
- Photo monitoring
- Bespoke monitoring methods designed by various Abzeco or the client
- General site walk over
- Call play back
- Sensory/motion camera trapping
- Bait trapping
- Dip netting
- Bird census
- Spotlighting
- Stag watching
- Trapping: harp traps, pitfall traps, Elliot traps, cage traps, and funnel traps
- Surveys using artificial refuges e.g. roof tiles, corrugated iron, or cement pavers for ground dwelling fauna
- Bandicoot hides
- Opportunistic observations
Recent examples of surveys Abzeco have undertaken over the last year include:
- Targeted threatened orchid surveys on a property in the Grampians region.
- Targeted surveys for the threatened Spiny Rice-flower Pimelea spinescens, spinescens (listed as Critically Endangered under the EPBC Act and FFG Act) at a number of sites West of Melbourne.
- Targeted surveys for recruits of the threatened Large-fruit Groundsel Senecio macrocarpus (EPBC listed Vulnerable, FFG listed Critically Endangered) near Mount Cottrell
- Habitat hectare assessments (for native vegetation clearing permit applications and for native vegetation offset sites) on properties in a range of locations including:
- Grampians region
- Shepparton
- Strathewen
- Aireys Inlet
- Lakes Entrance
- Winton
- Kyneton
- Shoreham
- Leongatha
- Torquay
- Carrum Downs
- St Andrews
- Healsville
- Panton Hill
- South Morang
- Research
- Warrandyte
- Diamond Creek
- Kilsyth
- Post-fire deer control Vegetation Surveys around Buchan in East Gippsland.
- IWC wetlands assessments of wetlands around urban and peri-urban Melbourne.
- Preliminary environmental values assessments flora, fauna and geological surveys between Falls Creek and Mount Hotham (64 km).
- Surveys for the Eared Worm-lizard in South Australia.
- Surveys for the Southern Brown Bandicoot, White-footed Dunnart, Swamp Skink, Glossy Grass Skink and Southern Toadlet on the Mornington Peninsula.
- Surveys targeting the Squirrel Glider, Sloane’s Froglet, Flathead Galaxias, Golden Sun Moth and Striped Legless Lizard in Winton.
- Surveys for Bibron’s Toadlet in Seymour.
- Annual monitoring of Latham’s Snipe in Craigieburn.
- Surveys for the Powerful Owl, Sooty Owl, Great Glider and Yellow-bellied Glider in Silvan.
- Surveys for the Growling Grass Frog in Wollert.
- Surveys for the Dwarf Galaxias, Swamp Skink and Glossy Grass Skink in Dingley Village.
- Surveys for members of the Mountain Galaxias species complex in Gippsland and the Victorian Alps.
- Surveying and monitoring a broad range of ecological values throughout Gippsland, in north-east and south-west Victoria, including:
- Cage and Elliott trapping for small and ‘critical weight range’ mammals
- Pitfall and funnel trapping for small mammals and reptiles
- Baited camera trapping for native and introduced mammals
- Modified camera trapping for reptiles
- Spotlighting and call-playback for arboreal mammals and nocturnal birds
- Artificial shelter surveys for mammals and reptiles
- Spotlighting and acoustic recording for frogs
- Netting and trapping for freshwater fish and invertebrates
- Environmental DNA sampling for aquatic fauna and the amphibian chytrid fungus
- Providing assistance with citizen science projects and community engagement for local councils, community groups and state government organisations