Abzeco staff have experience with a wide range of weed control methods in a range of vegetation types.
Abzeco staff have experience with a wide range of weed and pest animal control methods in a range of vegetation types and can assist you in meeting your pest control targets.
The Abzeco team combines the knowledge and training of our botanists, zoologists, ecologists and GIS technicians with the technical and practical skills of our experienced qualified field crew. The field crew include expert weed and pest animal controllers, revegetation and restoration practitioners, ecological burn practitioners and sub-contractors.
Our staff are variously trained and maintain the required permits, licences and experience in the use of chainsaws, agricultural chemicals, 1080, baiting methods, trapping, firearms, use of infrared/night vision equipment, conducting control burns, four-wheel driving & recovery, first aid, and have a good understanding of the associated Occupational Health and Safety Issues.
Abzeco staff have a great deal of experience in the mapping and monitoring of environmental weeds and pests using modern GIS software and hardware for long term and strategic management of pest plants and animals.
See Monitoring & Mapping for more information.

This combination of skills and experience enables our team to effectively and safely control pest plants and animals using current best practice methods that are effective, cost-efficient and importantly avoid off-target damage.