Victoria has one of the highest levels of bushfire risk in the world, so land owners must understand their risks.
Our staff have a great deal of experience in preparing Bushfire Management Statements (BMS) for developments in a wide range of vegetation types across Victoria and can provide you with a BMS to meet your planning requirements.
Those areas of the state covered by a Bushfire Management Overlay are considered to have the highest fire risk and as such likely to be exposed to the impact of bushfire at some time. Planned developments in these areas may require a BMS to assess and report on the suitability of proposed works before they proceed. If required, the BMS is part of the documentation that must be provided with a permit application to construct a dwelling or range of other construction types and land use changes under a BMO.
Further information on building in a BMO is available from the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).
The specific planning requirements are detailed in Clause 44.06 (Bushfire Management Overlay) and Clause 53.02 (Bushfire Planning) of the Victorian Planning Schemes: Victoria Planning Schemes.
When we are preparing a BMS, we conduct a site visit to undertake a bushfire hazard site assessment and if required a bushfire hazard landscape assessment. We assess components such as surrounding landscape vegetation types, distance of vegetation from the proposed development, the slope and orientation of the vegetation.

We use this information to determine the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) in accordance with Victorian Building Regulations and Victorian Planning regulations as outlined in standard reporting templates developed by the DTP with the assistance of the Country Fire Authority (CFA) website.
In preparation for a formal application to council we will provide you with a BMS sufficient to address the requirements of the Bushfire Management Overlay. This will include maps displaying slope and vegetation risk categories, fire history of the surrounding landscape, a Bushfire Management Plan that provides descriptions of vegetation management requirements, BAL construction standards, water supply access and fittings, emergency vehicle access and defendable space requirements.