Over the last 17 years, Abzeco has successfully completed 800+ Biodiversity Assessments across all regions of Victoria, interstate and internationally. This includes native vegetation removal assessments, state and commonwealth offset site assessments, and flora and fauna values inventories for conservation management. With this wealth of experience, we can assist you with all types of flora and fauna assessment projects.
The scope, type and complexity of biodiversity assessments Abzeco has undertaken for native vegetation removal assessments in Victoria ranges from Basic to Detailed pathways under the Victorian Guidelines for the removal, destruction and lopping of native vegetation (the Guidelines) and encompasses a wide range of projects from development applications for single dwellings to large (500+ lot) residential and industrial estates.
We have undertaken multiple offset site assessments for the establishment of Victorian native vegetation offset sites across the state on properties ranging from several hectares to hundreds of hectares and including a variety of vegetation types (see Victorian Native Vegetation Offsets). We have also assessed and established Commonwealth environmental offsets for threatened vegetation communities and threatened flora and fauna species.
Abzeco staff maintain current certificates of competency under the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA) Vegetation Quality Assessment (Habitat Hectare) accreditation system (see Habitat Hectare Assessments). We are experienced in the intricacies of the Victorian native vegetation removal regulations, in particular Clause 52.17 (Native Vegetation), and the application of the Guidelines, which are incorporated into all Victorian Planning Schemes.
Our team are proficient at utilising key biodiversity databases such as the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA), the Native Vegetation Management (NVIM) Tool, NatureKit, Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), the EPBC Act Protected Matters Search Tool (PMST), EnSym and Vicplan and we have a data share agreement with the State of Victoria. This ensures that we can access and use the most up-to-date biodiversity information for each project.
Abzeco staff have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Victorian Planning Schemes and regularly liaise with biodiversity, planning and referrals officers across DEECA and municipal authorities to assist in planning applications for native vegetation removal.
We are familiar with the federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and can prepare and submit federal referrals for our clients. This includes consulting with the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to streamline the process.
Abzeco has conducted many general flora and fauna surveys that range from one-off surveys to collect baseline data to ongoing, strategic, long-term monitoring surveys to assess changes in biodiversity values over time.