Abzeco raises profile of pest animals
Abzeco raises the profile of deer and other pest animals and their negative impacts on the environment.
Richard (Francis) is a founding Company Director of Abzeco, Senior Ecologist, Zoologist and Botanist, a licensed pest animal controller and President of the Vertebrate Pest Management Association Australia. Richard has been actively working to raise community awareness of the importance and methods of controlling pest animals, which are irreversibly damaging our native environment.
Richard is now a recognised expert and practitioner in on-ground pest management. He is regularly invited to speak about pest animals, their impacts and control at public information sessions run by a range of organisations.
This year he has given talks at a number of local Council-run community information sessions and forums run by Landcare groups.
Richard was recently interviewed for an article on Invasive Pests in the Age on August 5, 2023. Richard also gave a live interview recently for ABC National radio about the problems caused by deer.
You can visit Richards’s YouTube channel, which is regularly updated and includes videos relating to pest animal control, ecological burns and habitat restoration.
Organisations requiring experts in pest animal control can contact Abzeco for pest animal impact assessments, monitoring, management plans and on-ground control. Richard is also available to give talks on pest animal management at community information sessions.